Orgone is simply another word for what is also known as “Qi”, “Prana”, “Ether” and “Akasha”.
Dr Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) was the Austrian psychiatrist who first coined the term orgone, and his research into orgone energy has paved the way for others.
Orgonite is based on Dr Wilhelm Reich’s research on orgone – a term he coined for universal life-force energy. While conducting his research, Dr. Reich found that organic materials attract and hold orgone energy, while non-organic metals simultaneously attract and repel the energy.
Orgonite is based on these two principles. It is a 50-50 mix of resin (organic, due to the fact that it is based on petrochemicals), and metal shavings (inorganic). A quartz crystal is also added to the orgonite mix. This is because of its piezoelectric properties, which means that it gives off a charge when it is put under pressure (resin shrinks when it is cured, so constant pressure is put on the quartz crystal).
So what does this all mean? Well, due to the fact that the elements contained in orgonite are constantly attracting and repelling energy, a “scrubbing” action takes place, and along with the charge that the crystal gives off, this cleans stagnant and negative energy, and brings it back to a healthy, vibrant state.
Orgone can help calm your ever increasingly stressful environment, whether it be home, work or school. Not only are they beautiful but they're also a powerful tool to help physically, mentally and spiritually enhance your life and noticeably reduce negative energy.
By placing orgone in and around your home, you will become aware of the extraordinary change they will have on you and your surroundings. In addition, these orgone devices are beautiful as well as functional and come in all colors and sizes. They're easy to use, fit into every life style, are perfect for young as well as old and don't need an instruction booklet or special training to use.